In the Footsteps of Giants
After thirty years of touring the golfing world two pals discuss how to encourage others to follow in the footsteps of their golfing heroes and play the best courses just like the pros. The golf may not emulate our heroes but we have a lot of fun and laughs along the way. A podcast full of stories and suggestions about how to run your own golf tour, plus everything we find interesting on the professional golf tours. Perfect for your average golf nut!
In the Footsteps of Giants
Two men and a Pinehurst preview
Martin & Des
As we head into US Open week Martin, Des and young Mike spend some time analysing the odds and trying to predict who can be successful at Pinehurst. Is the US Open the hardest major to predict? Is it the hardest major to win? Is Pinehurst atypical of US Open courses and will that very fact throw up a huge surprise? Find out who the team at ITFOG fancy for a win, a sneaky top five and which big name players do we predict to miss the cut.
Also a roundup from the Memorial, the Scandanavian Mixed, The LPGA Shoprite and the LIV exhibition circus went to Houston, plus other news and views from around the golfing world.
Interact with the podcast via our Twitter/X portal @ITFOG_podcast or our Instagram @ITFOG.